Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lab 1 Assignment

I found this map interesting because a massive flood is drastically changing the landscape of Pakistan. Reports say that roughly 20% of Pakistan is under water. This map shows the severely flooded areas of Pakistan and even shows the anticipated areas that will also be affected by the massive flood.

Source: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/128110911696.htm

This map is from the article entitled "MAP: Pakistan's Flood Zone" from the Thomas Reuters Foundation.

This map shows the territories which belonged to the British Empire at some point in time. I found it interesting because it reveals how expansive Britain's empire once was. Britain was one of the foremost imperialistic nations. In 1773, George Macartney described Britain's imperialism by saying, "this vast empire on which the sun never sets, and whose bounds nature has not yet ascertained." Macartney is referencing the fact that Britain's empire is so vast that sun always shines on it's territories.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:The_British_Empire.png

This map is from Wikipedia from the main page of "The British Empire."

This map describes the overall political affiliations of the citizens of the United States based upon geographic regions. The red states are predominately Republican and therefore voted for John McCain, while the blue states are Democratic and voted for Barack Obama. I found this map interesting because it signifies a historic moment for our nation. This election was the first in which an African American was elected to be the President of the United States.

Source: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i106/scooie0/Final2008USPresidentialElectionMap.jpg&imgrefurl=http://jutiagroup.com/2008/11/05/2008-presidential-election-maps-obama-takes-key-swing-states/&h=492&w=585&sz=55&tbnid=20IpZ3tUEcmZuM:&tbnh=114&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3D2008%2Belection%2Bmap&zoom=1&q=2008+election+map&usg=__0r8-Pll2cHqe41-Z23BdbMHTqzA=&sa=X&ei=uFiiTJfHEYqmsQPP0qWJAQ&ved=0CCoQ9QEwBA

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