Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lab 2

1. Beverly Hills Quadrangle
2. The adjacent quadrangles are Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Topanga, Hollywood, Venice,     Inglewood
3. 1995
4. National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, North American Datum of 1927, North American Datum of   1983
5. The scale is 1: 24,000
a) 1/ 24,000 = 5 cm/X
    X= 120,000 cm
    X= 1200 meters
b) 1/ 24,000 = 5"/X
    X= 5* 24,000= 120,000"
    120,000"/ 12"= 10,000 feet
    1 mile= 5280 feet
    10,000 feet/ 5280 feet= 1.89 miles
    X=1.89 miles
c) 1 mile= 63,360 inches ==> 2.64 inches
d) 1/24,000= X/ 3km
    1/24,000= X/ 300,000 cm
    300,000 cm= 24,000(X)
    X= 12.5 cm
7. 20 feet
8) a. 118deg 26min 30sec west (118.4416deg), 34deg 26min 15sec north (34.4374 degrees)
    b. 118deg 29min 52sec west (118.4977deg), 34deg 31sec north (34.0086 degrees) 
    c. 118deg 24min 37sec west (118.4130deg), 34deg 7min 10sec north (34.1195 degrees)
9. What is the approximate elevation in both feet and meters of:
a) 580 feet/ 176.78 meters
b) 140 feet/ 42.67 meters
c) 630 feet/ 192.024 meters
10. UTM zone 11
11. 3,762,900 meters North and 361,500 meters East
12. 1000 * 1000= 1,000,000 meters squared
13.Elevation profile for the UTM Northing 3771000

14. Positive 14 degrees
15. The water in the stream is flowing Southwards
16. Cropped out image of UCLA on the topographic map:

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